Saturday, January 03, 2015

Has technology improved music production?
Theoretically digital technologies can speed up the production process and make it more accessible.  But what effect do they have in practice.  Paul McCartney (for the Kanye West fans amongst you, he's one the last two remaining Beatles) reminds us that the restrictions of the pre-digital era helped to make musicians more focused:

"We would record four tracks in a day - which is unheard of now - and those four tracks still sell more than most contemporary records. So obviously the system was pretty good. It was very simple, you had to just be very disciplined... we knew we had to play great," he said.
"Whereas now you know you go: 'We'll do another take or we'll get it in the mix, we'll just take that bum note out, we'll stick it on Pro-Tools, we'll fix it.' But it gives you, I think, too many options.
"It's great, it's very luxurious, but I don't think it helps the process."
Read more of what he said on the BBC News site.

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