Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Daily Mirror Iraqi Abuse Photos

Click on the title to read more about the sacking of the Daily Mirror's editor, Piers Morgan, following to publication of faked photos which alleged to show British soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. Lots of issues here - should the Mirror have published the pictures in the first place (whether they were fake or not) or should they have refused to publish them on the basis that they would be protecting the national interest by safeguarding British troops in Iraq? Once they knew they were fake, why did Piers Morgan still claim that "we published the truth.....We have revealed a can of worms. If the government chooses to ignore that, it is entirely a matter for them."


Anonymous said...

hi sir, ummm i think you made a spelling error....i'm guessing you meant claim and not 'clam'. :)

Eoin Meade said...

Hi Anonymous,
ummm, I think you're right and almost as pedantic as I. Though I do tend to use capitals correctly :) (my first ever smiley face, virtual or real)

Anonymous said...

oh sorry to dissapoint you but i don't think i am pedantic, or rather i hope i'm not. Well i'm glad i managed to bring out a smile from you, it's about time someone did :p

Anonymous said...

this is funny