Friday, December 21, 2012

Copyright Law Catches Up

Today sees a change in law that makes legal what has been very common practice for a long time.  Ever since iPods and MP3 players came along, many people have been digitising their CD collections so they could listen to them on the go.  Most people were probably unaware that doing so was actually illegal as it infringed the copyright of the producer.  So now you can do so legally, provided you don't share the digitised music with anyone else - put it on a device owned and used by someone else - that it remains for personal use.  If you read this article on the BBC News site, you'll see that the Musician's Union and other groups representing musicians and artsists object to the law because it doesn't include any way for musicians to be compensated for individuals not purchasing music specifically for their portable devices (through iTunes etc.).  Do you think this change in the law will make a real difference to the fortunes of musicians and the music industry or do you agree with the government that it is just bringing the law into line with people "reasonable expectations" and help to "boost respect for copyright"?

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