Thursday, March 27, 2008

Genre Questions

How far has the development of new technologies impacted on genre?

Remember to build your answer around the key concepts you have studied at Y12 and Y13. If you don't know what they are SHAME ON YOU!


Lucy Du May said...

How far is the development of new technologies impacted genre?

New technologies has impacted on film genre greatly, particularly on science fiction movies. Audiences expect to see better special effects and more/different sophisticated camera shots, angles and movements as technologies in real life are becoming more hi-tech and compex. Epic-fantasy films have also benefited from the rise of technology, as CGI and other forms of special effects are greatly used.

Sci-Fi films have become increasingly popular over the last ten years due to the rise of complex technology. Remaking films has also become very popular bacause fim makers/institutions are able to create more realistic special effects, such as explosions. The War of the Worlds (1950) was a highly successful film when it was first released, and was re-made in 2005. The special effects used in the updated version are at a high standard and were used throughout the whole film. Also, recent films have blurred genres and have used hybrids in their films, the 2005 War of the Worlds couldn't be categorised as a hybrid genre film, but has elements of other themes going on in the film, as well as the main plot........

clarise said...

Over the years, the development of new technologies has had a huge impact on genre. However, this development depends upon the specific genre of film, as some film production relies on how advanced technologies are. The sci fi genre has benefited greatly from these developments in technologies as the audience can gain pleasure from the improved special effects, heightening how much they enjoy the film. For example Earth Against The Flying Saucers (1956), this introduced very minimal, transparent special effects which were then appreciated by the audience as this was the extent to which the quality of the film could be produced at. The movement and development of technologies is apparent in a later film Tron (1982) in which the man is sucked into a computer. The realms of technology were played with here, which furthered the audiences interest in this genre as this level of sophistication had not yet been introduced to us. A later film Star Wars :Episode 111 (2005) for example introduced an even more sophisticated adaptation to the sci fi genre. The special effects and CGI used within this film was at an advanced level, as the film maker experimented with settings and using special effects with people, and changing their appearance. The sophistication in taste of the viewers developed, therefore the technology has moved with that taste to satisfy the viewers expectations of the sci fi genre. This will then contribute to how many people choose to watch films within the sci fi genre, and the ever changing development of technology will always bring something fresh and new into this genre, enticing a wider audience.
Alternatively, the development of new technologies has not necessarily contributed to the popularity of other genres. Gangster films are more character driven, meaning this development is more limited. Whereas sci fi is more special effects driven meaning this development has a much higher significance.
be nice.

Anonymous said...

The development of new technologies has impacted on different genres in a different ways. For example the science fiction genre has changed vastly throughout the years and the use of CGI has improved hugely, a film like Earth Vs the flying saucers was made in the fifty’s and film like Star Wars, which is a recent Sci Fie movie, the difference is easily recognisable, just as the development of new technologies has improved the expectations of audience has also increased vastly and their taste has become much more mature. An example of this would be the use of special affects in films such as Earth Vs the flying saucers to Star Wars recently and you could instantly see the huge improvement, so going from the squeaky sound of the flying saucer and the flying saucer on top of the car to the glowing sticks and the much more sophisticated flying ships.

Moving on from Sci Fie to a genre, which has changes through time but not as much as Sci Fie genre. The Gangster genre and the impact of new technologies in it has also improved with time but not as much as the Sci Fie because the use of special effects and the use of CGI is much more than in Gangster films and also because the Gangster genre is much more drama than any other genre . An example of a gangster film would be the film Scarface which was made in the 1930’s and from that to The God father which once again is a recently made film and you can tell the dissimilarity between the two.


DG said...

Asifa Tahir

How far has the development of new technologies impacted on genre?

Due to the vast development of technologies throughout the years has greatly impacted on film genres. The genre which has been impacted on the most are Sci-Fi films. When Sci-Fi films were first being made technologies weren't so advanced and the special effects used were very simple but at the time they were seen as being very appealing and creative. Like in the film 'Earth vs. The Flying Saucers' which was made in 1956 special effects used within were seen to be very advanced at the time, well in fact was very unrealistic and simple. As the audiences expectations and tastes change so does the development of films. An audience of today wouldn't necessarily take the film seriously as as the special effects weren't so sophisticated as they are now. Also in the film 'E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial' (1982) the effects used were a great advancement, by using the technologies best to their abilities in the scenes where the flying saucers came down to earth and the most famous scene of when the character Elliot and E.T. were flying whilst riding the bike. At the time the film was released audiences were amazed by what they thought at the time high production values and special effects.

We can see the development of the genre throughout the years if we look at such films as 'Matrix' (1999) and the new 'War of the Worlds' film made in 2005. They are all mainly based around special effects and computer graphics rather then narrative. However, other genre's like the Gangster genre has hardly been effected by this development.

Anonymous said...

Olivia Heath

Technology has improved over time which has greatly affected genre. The impact is most notably significant in the Science Fiction genre, with the introduction of special effects and CGI- computer generated image. In the 50s, Earth vs. The Flying Saucer was a B-Movie which in some perspective, lacked the effect used in films today. These movies were independently produced, and were made within a short amount of time as well as having low production values. In the film, the saucer would be held with a piece of string, to give the effect of it flying over, which was not very realistic. This was very basic because at that time, technologies were not advanced enough, and so it lacked certain elements of a film that today the audience expect to see.

This is very different in comparison to War of the Worlds (2005) which is a mainstream film, meaning that there was a big budget to allow for special effects and CGI. The 2005 version is a remake of the original 1953 film. In the 2005 film, there was extensive use of CGI where the alien/robot forms emerged from under the concrete, and caused a massive eruption. This was then continued as people were running scared and the robot used its powers, almost like lasers to kill people. This is much more realistic, as technology has changed to adapt to the demands of the audience. The sophistication of their taste has meant that technology has to become even more advanced, and it continues to do so. The audience are now used to seeing CGI as it is commonly expected in films, which was again demonstrated in King kong (2005). Due to this expectation, the Science Fiction genre is now never complete without the use of CGI.

However, one could say that the Gangster genre has not been affected by the development of new technologies in the same way. Gangster films are like drama's and are much more characterized based. Nowadays, you witness more gun scenes, and brutality with the inclusion of blood, however, this has not been affected as much by new technologies.

Anonymous said...

Lydia Kinsey.

I think it largely depends on the genre.
On the one hand, genres that are heavily drama driven have not really been impacted by the development of new technologies. Gangster films for example don't require much use of CGI, special effects, etc. and so have thrived for other reasons. That doesn't mean that advancements in new technologies have hindered the gangster genre, in fact impressive car explosions in films like 'Casino'(1995) and 'The Godfather'(1972) have made them all the more visually engaging; yet new technologies have not been the most prominent force in the success of the genre.
On the other hand however, genres that are heavily constructed of CGI and special effects have flourished thanks to new technologies. The transition from model rockets hanging from strings to huge spaceships soaring through space has meant that the sci-fi genre has not only become more believable for its audiences but has also been able to explore bigger and more impressive settings and plot lines. George Lucas claims that he deliberately made the Star Wars series out of sequence because he anticipated that technology would improve and he felt that the first three episodes were "too big" to shoot to a high enough standard at the that time. It could be said that the advancements in new technologies have actually reinvented the sci-fi genre. No longer is it just the stuff of poor quality B movies, instead it is churning out huge box-office hits and attracting record sized audiences. 'Star Wars A New Hope'(1977) became one of the most successful sci-fi films of all time, earning $460 million in the United States and $337 million overseas; as well as receiving several film awards, including 10 Academy Award nominations.

DG said...

Mr Gibbs' reply to Egg.
you tend to write around the subject rather than offering any real analysis. Response is too superficial and example(s) are too basic and one dimensional. More reference to specific 'new technologies' are needed and more specific examples of how they are used are also needed. You could also discuss the ways in which new technologies have not impacted on the genre-(debating the effects)
Something about the other key concepts needs to be worked in also, for example the impact it has on 'institutions' etc etc

DG said...

Mr Gibbs 'reply to Clarise
Strong section on the use of technology in the Sci-Fi genre. Could be expressed in a clearer more precise style as your expression does detract from your ideas. Yes, I agree that the gangster genre is not influenced as much by change in technology, perhaps a eference to the increased ability to realistically portray violence could be worth mentioning. Focus on being more systematic and on precise expression.

DG said...

Mr Gibbs' reply to Samin
Good opening section - would benifit from from being more specific in terms of the examples that you use and developing your analysis on sophistication of effects and audience expectations.
In your section on gangster you chose good texts - could you have discussed the extremely bloody nature of the modern version of Scarface? Also, Sci-Fi not Fie. Analysis needs to be deeper with more references to the key concepts and more accurate use of media terminology.

DG said...

Mr Gibbs reply to Asifa
Lots of excellent and appropriate points made re Sci-Fi. Aim to be more precise and systematic-work your points a little more. Be more explicit in your references to the examples used as you do not really make your points in enough detail. More references to gangster needed = see other responses.

DG said...

Mr Gibbs' reply to Olivia
First paragraph could be clearer in its expression but is on task. More detailed reference to audience needed.More effective reference to audience in second section.
Your references to gangster needs to be more developed-attempt to analyse in the same way as Sci-Fi, athough there is not as much to say you could be more analytical and detailed.

DG said...

Nice response to the effects on the gangster genre-could you have done a little more and looked at films from different eras?
Very good backround information re Sci-Fi. Could you have included more re the key concepts, especially audience and institutiion?

rosieisbest said...

Over time, the development of new technologies has impacted genre a vast amount. In particular, movies within the Sci-Fi genre have benefited the most due to advanced develpoment in technologies such a CGI and digital enhancement. Films now appear alot more hi-tech, and it is clear that the production values have increased greatly. As well as Sci-Fi, Gangster and Epic movies have also benefitted from the development of new technologies and we can see that the rise in box office hits has grown due to this.

The popularity of Sci-Fi films has increased immensly, and this is due to the development of special effects. For example, in "Earth v. the flying saucers"(1950), the special effects are very basic and show little amounts of plausible action. However, this was as good as it got in those days and audiences would have been ultimately impressed with the films visual standards. In our present day, films like Star Wars 3(2005) and Irobot (2007) demonstrate the rapid change in the developments of special effects thus, drawing in wider ranging audiences and more money for the institutions.

Although gangster films pride themselves on plotlines and characters, developments in special effects have also had a huge impact on these films. The remake of "Scarface" shows this, through the use of believable explosions and dramatic shoot outs in comparison to the origional.

In conclusion, developments have had a great impact on some, but not all, genres. It has successfully managed to intice new audiences to watch the films, and allows film makers to push the boundaries of expectation.

Anonymous said...

2) Explain why certain genres are just as popular today as they were 50 years ago.

Certain genres stay as popular as they were 50 years ago as they have developed to remain modern. The use of new technology, hybrid/sub-genres and current political or social issues keep sci-fi and ganster films contemporary. However, the basic formula of the films have stayed relatively similar which benfits the institution and meets audience expectations.

More modern and improved technology has been used in both sci-fi and gangster films to keep them up to date. In sci-fi technology has vastly improved to create more realistic settings, situations, characters etc. For example, in Alien (1979) the special effects used to create the alien are of a high standard, making it seem realistic and therefore creating audience pleasure. In comparison, the Invasion of the body snatchers
(1956) uses special effects which now would be considered low tech, although at the time they would have been highly innovative and exciting to the audience then.

The political and social references within both genres remain current to keep the interest of the modern audience. In the gangster genre, the original Scarface (1932) used references to the prohibiton in the narrative. This would have been relevant at the time and therefore would appeal to audiences. In The Godfather (1972) there is references to smuggling drugs such as cocaine which would be relevant to that time and therefore keeping it in context for modern audiences so they can relate to it.

The genres have also kept certain aspects the same or similar over time, creating audience pleasure from having their expectations met. In Angels with dirty faces (1938) the narrative and themes are similar to a modern day gangster film such as Goodfellas(1990). The audience know what to expect so they will generally enjoy films from the same genre.

If an institution becomes good at creating a particular genre, it becomes easier and cost effective to produce popular films, therefore it is in the institutions favour to stick to a formula for a genre.

The creation of hybrid/sub-genres has kept the audience interested, who previously may have become saturated with the same formula being repeated in certain genres. For example The buissness (2005) is a sub genre of Gangster as it is Brittish Gangster and the fith element.

Anonymous said...

Finishing the last para (ignore "and the fith element" :
...which will appeal to a new, niche audience. It also appeals to the previous audience as it still contains the gangster conventions. For Sci-fi, The fith element(1997) will appeal to a wider range of audience who previously may not have been interested in sci-fi. This is because it is a hybrid genre of sci-fi and action.

Sci-fi and Gangster genres have stayed so popular for over 50 years because they have been updated and developed to keep up with modern audiences expectations.

DG said...

Reply to Rosie
You need to be more precise and specific in your use of terms-"digital enhancement'. Your paragraph is also too unfocused-it could be about less but be written in a more organised way. Your concluding sentence in your opening paragraph is a little random!
Your second paragraph is too simplistic in terms of ideas and too coloquial in its expression. here is very little detailed writing about the 'audience' or the 'institution'. You are not showing the knowledge of an A2 media studies student.
Overall, while you focus on appropriate areas you do not show enough specialist knowledge. More detail needed.

DG said...

Reply to Abigail-first piece.
Strong, if a little loosely expresse, opening paragraph. You make some very good points.
In your second paragraph your description of 'special-effects' improving, is a little basic and not really adequate. That effects used to be bad and now they are good is not sophisticated enough.
Again, your political/social references are too simplistic.
Your paragraph on Angels with Dirty Faces is too abstract and not informative enough as is your final paragraph.
All the right points are here but you must be more rigorous in your writing.

DG said...

Reply to Abigail's second piece.