Monday, December 17, 2007

Foundation Production Christmas Research Task

So far you've watched The Birds, The Dark Hours and Momento, examples of Psychological Thrillers from the middle and late twentieth century. The notes you have taken on these films will form a key part of your "Product Research" section in your Foundation Product folder, which acts as part of your evidence for your Planning mark (30 out of the 120 marks available for FP). This task is designed to provide you with further evidence of product research and give you a better feel for the genre and how it appeals to its audience.

The Task:
1) Select 3 films from the list of Psychological Thrillers listed elsewhere on this blog
2) On your own or together with others in the class, view the 3 films, taking notes.
3) Write a brief summary (55 words or less) of the story and characters.
4) Write a paragraph describing the visual style of the film -e.g. does it use a lot o close-ups to create a sense of claustrophobia etc? Does it use saturated colours or a lot of light and shadow etc?
5) Describe who you think the target audience to be and why.
6)Write a brief summary of the credit info - director, producer, studio, cast (easy to find on


Anonymous said...

Should I purchase a folder to act as my foundation product folder, or will we be using our media folder? Or am I just simply getting ahead of myself and all that information will be given in due course?
Sorry I'm just a little confused.

Anonymous said...

the comment above is Halimo, i'm not ashamed, just forgot to put my name.

Eoin Meade said...

No need to buy a new folder Halimo. Just keep a well organised section in your Media Folder for now and we'll supply you with a folder when it comes time to present all your work for marking. The sales have obviously got to you, caught up in a consumerist frenzy.