Monday, October 01, 2007

Independent Media in a Time of War

From what you saw of the documentary in today's lesson P3 Mon 1st October, how successful do feel TV news is as a method of disseminating information.


Anonymous said...

The documentary we watched really opened our eyes to how manipulative the media is especially in Britain and even more so in the USA (although that is less surprising). The news should aim to be completely fair and unbiased and should portray war for what it is: horrific and devestating. America glamourises and turns the news into a soap where the newscasters are given more importance than the actual story. The government are in control of the media, even employing generals to speak on national television to 'educate and inform' people of America. Media is supposed to be an independent source but really its like Nazi Germany (taking it a bit far :] ). We had a little chuckle at the fact that they talk of Al - Jazeera as a unreputable news station but they're the ones showing the truth (from the Iraqi view). We strongly agree with the points of Amy Jones and think that all of the world should have news aired to them in the same way, unbiased, uncorrupted and undiluted.
Rehana, Samaah, Crystan

Anonymous said...

The documentry that we watched set out to show how biased news broadcasting is. It focused on different aspects of the media, such as television and internet, and how they presented information in a biased way. It suggested that the institutions did not show us what was happening but what they wanted us to believe was happening. When we had watched the video it was more realistic like they had showed us the suffering and the injuries that was going on. I'd felt more concluded and introduced into the war in Baghad where the video had shown many different angles in the context of war, I was surprised by how the media could blind us and not portray how bad the war was going on. zainab and gloria

Anonymous said...

We think that the documentary we watched on monday told us more about the reality of the people workin in the independent media, and the amount of scrutiny and pressure they are under the way in contrasted with what they show in the news and others forms of media that have the political ideologies, it made us learn that what we always see on the tv is not what is not actually happening and its more raw and uncut the way it has intertextual references to other wars that have taken place and showing horrifc pictures of children and the innocent families the film progressed and the stories we saw were very suprising we felt very betrayed by the media that we consume, the media is more concerned about getting supporterd to watch thas why they don't show us the actual coverage of the war where millions of people have been injured and died.

Anonymous said...

This documentary was shown by an organisation called Democracy Now, which is aimed at highlighting the truth and giving ordinary people a voice. This particular documentary focused on the wars in Iraq and how the media presents it to the public, which is actually a distorted image of the truth. It was meant to be hard hitting and really question if the media abuses its authority in influences the public. It was surprising to see how the media sensors the war in Iraq. For instance when we are told that three were killed and seven injured, most people don’t realise that limbs had been blown off, we expected them to have a broken arm or a deep cut, nothing more.

Sorry about it being so brief. From Danni and Fiona

farrah said...

After watching the documentary, I was very shocked to know that we are not always shown what is the truth, but are shown what the media want us to see, not what we have a right to see. This is only because America and Britain want the publics' support in what they are doing, and what they think to be "right". By not showing us the full picture, they are isolating us from the full truth, and are in some ways 'forcing' us to agree with them. By watching the documentary, it could be argued that the media have betrayed their audience. This is because, even though they are giving both sides of the story, they are not giving the full story. Al-Jazeera have been criticised as to being biased, but in actual fact they do not hide the truth as to what is actually going on. They do not hide images of suffering innocent people because they want everyone to see the truth. However, I can also understand maybe why the American and British media do not show these images. This may be because of the fact that children also watch the news and the images are not suitable for their viewing, but I still disagree with the media not showing the full truth.

Natasha said...

I think that the documentary that we watched on Monday was partially horrific and shocking, because we are only told in brief about what’s been happening in Baghdad and not what actually has been taking place e.g. many children getting killed and some that are still suffering in hospital awaiting to get treatment. I feel that TV news is not as successful as I did before after watching the documentary today because it made me feel that if the media really wanted their audience to know about what was going on in the world, they should have shown us the full version of what is happening and not the edited version. Although it is not the media’s fault for not showing all the uncut bits because we realise that it is not just the adult’s that watch the news but also younger children.

Anonymous said...

The documentary we watched was very shocking yet very brief. My views on the TV news have changed now since watching the documentary. We are not told the entire truth of what’s been happening in Bagdad. We are only briefed on some parts and not the actual main parts such as children being killed and there are still children waiting to get treatment. I have now realised that we are not told the entire truth by the media. We are only told what they want us to believe, hence we believe them. This makes us think that the country allows the truth not to be told as they want us to believe that what they are doing is “right”. We are isolated from the truth! This is because we are not told both sides of the story. On the other hand, the media may have a valid reason for not showing the entire story, such as it may be disturbing for little children that watch the news, but that does verify what they have done. We should have been told the entire version of the story and not just parts of it.