Thursday, September 27, 2007

12:31 media home work

Stuart Hall has argued that the meaning an audience gets from a text is determined by their cultural backround and that there is no fixed meaning. How far do you agree with these ideas in terms of what you know about Audience theory?
Use examples from each theoretical perspective to support your points.

(about 200 words)-due first lesson week beginning 1st October.
You may want to include references to:

Hypodermic Syringe Theory
Uses and Gratifications Theory
Two Step Flow Theory
Reception Theory


Anonymous said...

I agree that there is no fixed meaning of a text, I don’t necessarily believe it all to be based on culture . Although you could definitely back up both sides of the argument. Proving him wrong are theories like the hypodermic syringe : the injection of ideas, attitudes and beliefs into the audience who are instantly influenced. I disagree with this idea seeing as it basically implies that the entire population of the world have little intelligence and no opinions of their own. I do agree with the idea of the two step flow theory which states that you are influenced by people you respect with the same ideas as you (opinion leaders). Therefore people are more likely to gain a more personal opinion of the text. The uses and gratifications theory alerts us to the fact that there are many factors that affect the way we acquire knowledge from a text. It allows us to realise that there are 4 things that we look for when we encounter a piece of media text: information (satisfying curiosity about society and the world), personal identity (so that we can find a link with characters and situation, making us decide about decisions made in a film etc), integration and social interaction (so that we can talk about media with others and form a relationship with characters) and pure entertainment. So… from this we can see that two of the examples in this theory do have cultural references, where we come from, how we’ve been brought up, where and who we are now is very important to how meaning is derived. The reception theory seems to be like an extension of the gratifications one apart from as well as showing links with upbringing also shows us that mood and place whilst watching the film may also effect how we react and create our own meanings. Often I have come out of a film with a friend where some things have been left unexplained and we have both come up with different solutions. Classic example: Titanic at the end is Rose dead or just asleep? Ha. Many options :]
couldn't remember my password this is Rehana

Eoin Meade said...

Tip top Rehana. A bit worried that Titanic lives in your memory as a text with many possible interpretations. Though I suppose that just goes to show the strength of reception theory as a method of explaining the audience/producer/text relationship.

DG said...

OI meadeiator-stay away from my homework!

Anonymous said...

I agree with rehana, that there is no fixed meaning to a piece of text, and that it is not all cultural. I expect within many cultures, people have different views on different media texts. The Hypodermic needle theory (Where the audience are manipulted by the creators of media texts into believing what they wish us to believe), proves Stuart Hall wrong as the "creators of media" choose what they want the audience to believe. I feel that it is saying we live in a nation where people who watch or read media text can not interprete there own meaning or opinion. The Uses and gratifications theory say that there are many different reasons for a person to interprete a piece of text these are: surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission and entertainment. Two of these four, are ways in which a person can interprete text due to there cultural up-bringing. The Recpetion theory also says that a person will interprete media in a different way due to age, gender, class and ethnicity. The uses and gratifications, and Reception Theory both say that a person would interpret text differently due to the culture you were brought up in. So there are points that back up Stuart Hall's theory but you can also fight against. But i do not agree with what he is saying, as i feel everyone has there own opinion and can think what they like no matter how you were brought up, or the age you are at, or even gender.
Danni Ingram (forgot my password)

Natasha said...

I think that the meaning an audience get from a text cannot always means that it is determined from their culture, although it is arguable. Not all of us relate the media with our cultural background depending on what is. The audience can agree or disagree with whatever they think it right or wrong. I strongly disagree with the hypodermic syringe theory because it suggests that the audience will gather what is being said and therefore react to it. I kind of agree with the uses of gratification theory because when we read a text it allows us to make our own decisions, not only this but it affects the way in which we view the media. There are four ways in which the audience can gather this, Information (to find out about situations happening all over the world), personal identity (sometimes we link ourselves to characters), integration and social interaction (relate with other people’s feelings), Entertainment (we usually use the media for enjoyment). I also agree with the two step flow theory because, we the audience usually discuss our opinions about the media and make decisions to come to a conclusion of what we think is right. An example this would be the 9/11 attacks. With the reception analysis we gather that, we the audience have to decode the text, and try to find out the meaning of what the text is trying to convey.

Anonymous said...

basicalli i agree with nastasha that the meaning an audioence get does determine what cultural background they have.But however there is an point to agree or disagree in this statement as not everyone relate to the media depending on their culture but whereas some do.
hypodermic syringe theory suggests that audience was gather from what the point is about and then react to it but i disagree as aundience cna have their own opion to what they belive is right or wrong but that is my point of view whewre others will be influenced and they will conform to the way the media would like us to react.
Having several points of the media can be useful so i agree in the use of gratification theory as it allows audience to make up their own decisions.

farrah said...

I agree partly with Stuart Hall on the fact that there is no fixed meaning of a text. However, I do not think that it is all based on cultural background. There are many different theories to what the meaning of a text is influenced by. Firstly, there is the Hypodermic theory. This is the idea that whatever you watch, you get influenced by it. For example, if someone watches a film with violence, they will then go out and commit violence. This proves Hall wrong in his theory of cultural influence, and I also disagree with the hypodermic theory. Secondly, there is the Two Step Flow Theory. I agree with this theory as it claims that when people talk to each other about a text, their opinions are imposed onto the opposite person, and they might begin to agree with and have the same opinions. This theory also proves Stuart Hall wrong as it says that the meaning of a text is influenced by another persons opinion, not by culture. Thirdly, there is the theory of Uses and Gratification. This theory states that everyone has different uses for the media; this could be for information, personal identity, integration and social interaction and entertainment. It is up to the audience themselves to decide what they want to watch, and is influenced by these four factors, not by culture. I agree with this theory and again, this theory disagrees with Stuart Hall's theory. Finally, the Reception theory. This theory states that the meaning someone gets from a text is based on the individual themselves. It depends on what mood they are in, the place in which they are, and also their upbringing. This partly then agrees with Hall, as it claims that part of the meaning you get from a text is influenced by upbringing and culture. I also agree with this theory as it is not saying you are entirely influenced by culture, but it says that it could be a possible factor. In conclusion, it could be argued that culture can be a huge factor, seeing as it is a factor in the Reception theory, however, as I have said before, I do not think the meaning of a text is only based on culture, but is due to other factors as well, as I have already mentioned.

Anonymous said...

I believe that there is no fixed meaning to a text it is open to interpretation. This relates back to the reception theory, which says that the producer encodes the text but we as individuals decode the ideas in different, more personalised ways due to our various circumstances. Stuart Hall argues that a person’s cultural background is the most pivotal factor and I agree that this can have a strong affect on the way they interpret media and their views on different subjects. A part of this is because they as individuals have different life experiences, which will alter how they see things. This is supported by the Uses and Gratification theory –which argues that people are individuals who use media for specific reasons- different cultures are likely to use media for separate reasons, therefore want to get the same things from the text thus ending up with similar feelings. I believe that all aspects of a persons life now affects their views and understanding of media, I personally find that I analysis media (films) in a theatrical way as acting is my passion however my boyfriend is much more interested in special affects as he enjoys computer games. Its important to consider other views and arguments about audience interpretations which suggest that the media can influence the proletariat into the same way of thinking, the audience are seen as passively receiving the information transmitted by the media (Hypodermic syringe theory). Although I choose to believe that the public have more conscious intellectual choice.

this is fiona

Anonymous said...

I do not think that the meaning an audience get from a text is determined from their culture! Every individual is different and their culture does not always give the audience their understanding on a particular subject. Not everyone relates media with their cultural background, especially the generation of today. The audience have their own thoughts on what they believe to agree and disagree on. Hall is proved wrong in his theory of cultural influence, because the Hypodermic theory suggests that whatever you watch in a film, the audience will be influenced by it. This for example, is incorrect because there a number of movies with violence in them, if the audience did get influenced by it, then there would be a lot of violence around everywhere. I agree with the two-step theory, because generally the audience discuss their opinions on the media and then come to a conclusion from that depending on what the individual agrees and disagrees on. I also agree with the gratification theory because after the audience has read a text, it usually allows them to make their own decisions and it also affects the way in which they view the media. The audience generally make their own decisions based upon the facts that are brought forward upon them. There are four ways in which the audience can gather their meanings and then come to a conclusion upon the issue.

Anonymous said...

the meaning an audience gets from a text is determined by their cultural background and that there is no fixed meaning is a very balanced arugment the hypodermic syringe theory makes me think that audience are at time manipulated then are therfore are seen as passive.our behaviour might change after watching something in reference to theory uses (my times up in the library )

DG said...

REHANA-Work shows a good, if initally slightly uderdeveloped, appreciation of the concepts in question. Detail and development improves as you 'get into' the subject. Very good work which shows a sensitive engagement with difficult subject matter.
DANNI-The Hypo Theory proves SH wrong if you believe it to be true! Also, does your final statement not definitively back up SH's thoughts (in terms of all of us creating a seperate meaning) or are you saying that ones interpretations of a text are not at all related to our life circumstances?

DG said...

NATASHA-Good engagement with the theories which shows that you are on the way to internalising the concepts. What you need to watch out for now is the clarity of your written expression. Try to be mor organised in you thoughts and your writing will 'come out' better.
BASICALLI(?)-First sentence is a little confused and cotradictory. I think some redrafting is needed but good effort nontheless!

DG said...

FARRAH-it does not prove him wrong, it argues againest him! Does'cultural backround' not include the idea of 'talk'? Again, is Uses And Grat Theory not, in many ways, similar to Hall's ideas? I'm not sure about your summing up as it not entirely clear what the 'other factors' are. Very good effort!.
FIONA-Strong, clear opening to you point of view. You show a clear understanding of the concepts under discussion however, I question your introduction of anecdotal evidence as this devalues the academic quality of the response. Good work/good insight.

DG said...

ROSHNI- What do you understand by the word 'culture' and is there not a lot of violence around? You have done well in engaging with the theories at hand although I feel you would benefit from working your ideas a bit harder and squeezing them a bit more.
MyTimesUpInTheLibrary(?) Sorry, not enough here for me to comment on!!!

DG said...

TO ALL STUDENTS WHO RESPONDED>Overall i am pleased with the response and feel that we have made real progress. It is very important that you try to see your thoughts through to their logical conclusion. Avoid jumping around from one point to another. Try to stay focused:

make a statement
support it with evidence
develop it from more than one perspective
link it to the next point
Keep on the blog and we will succeed!

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Stuart Hall's theory that an audience interprets and understands a text in a certain way because of their cultural background. I do agree however, with his theory that there is no fixed meaning of a text. To elaborate on my disagreement of Stuart Hall's theory, there are several other theoretical perspectives’ that substantiate my view. For example, the two step flow theory, the idea that an audience are more likely to believe or accept an idea from someone that shares the same opinions and ideas, opinion leaders. This theory is plausible. For example, voters are more likely to trust a politician from their own political party, as they are more likely to share the same ideas, values and morals. Another example of a theory with disagrees with Stuart Halls ideas is the hypodermic syringe; the idea that ideas, attitudes and beliefs are inserted into an audience who are easily influenced and manipulated. I don’t agree with this theory as it basically suggests that audiences are so easily manipulated and are human sponges that they soak up everything the media says or does and starts believing those ideas are their own. The uses and gratifications theory suggests that there are four reasons for which people use the media. Information, personal identity, integration and social interaction and entertainment. Two of these reasons are ideas for ways in which people comprehend a piece of text, due to their cultural background or upbringing. Finally, the reception theory believes that a producer can "encode" a text and the audience can "decode" a text. Furthermore, although a piece of text is open for interpretation, ultimately, a producer positions the audience in a certain way, which allows the audience to conclude with the same ideas as the producer. This is referred to as a "preferred reading". To conclude, I believe that an audience simply doesn’t deduce a text in a certain way because of their cultural background. We could say that a person’s lifestyle choices or moral decisions may influence the way that someone interprets a text.Crystan Suckling

DG said...

A good summary of a range of media theories. You could, I feel, have given a more detailed analysis of the theories you mention. It may also benifit you to consider what is meant by the word 'culture', and how this fits in with your ideas on Hall's proposition.

DG said...

A good summary of a range of media theories. You could, I feel, have given a more detailed analysis of the theories you mention. It may also benifit you to consider what is meant by the word 'culture', and how this fits in with your ideas on Hall's proposition.