Tuesday, December 05, 2006

One Man And His TV Broadcast

Jeff Jarvis details how inexpensize and easy it is for an individual to create their own television output using sites like YouTube, a digital camera and iMovie. He does warn, however, that while the audience can become the producer, the quality of his programming may not yet compare to the that of the BBC or Channel 4 (though have you seen Hollyoaks in the City?)


- said...

hello meadiator. mmh yes i agree. its shit,. but you know whats most annoying? trying to find a music video or advert on youtube and having to trawl through pages and pages of stupid peoples re-enacments of them.....why?/.......trust me, type in ,,..cillit bang on youtube and youll see....its awful!

Eoin Meade said...

It does astound me the patience that people seem to have when it comes to gaining cheap thrills. You have to ask yourself - just how cheap are these thrills, given the amount of time it takes to access something of any worth. Maybe the public is more time-rich than previously thought. There is an economy about the traditional TV schedule that is appealing.

- said...

broadcasting of self through internet mediums, the birth of internet celebrity, turning yourself into something marketable., a brand. it all boils down to attention seeking really, i think, i mean....there is absolutely no point in it...why put it on the internet. they're all rubbish. uaaaaaaah it makes me so frustrated,.