Tuesday, October 10, 2006

YouTube Proves Its Worth

YouTube has just been bought by Google for a small fortune, proving the popularity of watching video online rather than through your TV. Google are likely to have been attracted to YouTube because of two things: its current popularity earned through viral publicity and the distributon deals it has signed with Universal Pictures and CBS television in America. The signing of these deals are a clear sign that the big traditional media institutions are convinced of the future of online, bitesize viewing, where viewers watch their favourite programmes or movies online rather than on the couch.

1 comment:

Eoin Meade said...

Am I right in thinking that YouTube doesn't require the user to download any new software, like Google Video Player, to view much of its content. So long as you've got the readily available Flash player you're good to go. While software downloads are no barrier to the more techie amongst us, I'm sure it puts off the more casual viewer.