Monday, November 03, 2014

A Gift From Taylor Swift To You

So you want a neat and tidy argument about new models for making money in the music industry? And you want it all wrapped up in a Universal linked example? Well Taylor Swift (distributed internationally by Universal Music) has duly obliged by removing all her music from Spotify. Read all about it here - Within you will find Taylor's arguments about preserving the value of music and, on the opposing side, Spotify's vision of making money from music

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Physical Release of U2's album promises more

You may have wondered why U2 would 'give away' Songs of Innocence for free through the iTunes 'gift'. As TV ads have promised in the last few days, the gift was really just a taster of the physical 'deluxe' release. Buy the deluxe CD and you get a load of tracks not available through the iTunes gift.  This article also has some interesting numbers regarding how many people downloaded the gift version - nearly twice as many as those who have ever downloaded U2 material through iTunes.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Deconstructing Trailers

A great article from the New York Times explores how trailers make use of the source film.  It includes insight into the thinking behind the trailer from the trailer editors.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

U2 and Apple - the story that keeps on giving

There's a wealth of stuff available on this story.  This image highlights lots of the issues that can be found in U2's decision to release their new album for free through iTunes.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

iPods have been made obsolete. What of the value of music?

There's a tremendous article in Wired magazine on the end of the iPod, which, as of this week, Apple are no longer selling. It's particularly useful to help you understand how the value of music has changed as technology has changed. Read it here.

Friday, September 05, 2014

Need new Radiohead music? There's an app for that.

Having released a whole album via their website a few years ago, Radiohead have now used their app to give fans a chance to hear their first new music in three years. Another example of how digital technology is fundamentally changing the distribution and promotion of music. Read this article to find out more, including interactive features that are built into the listening experience.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sexual Objectification - more relevant now than ever?

Good talk by Caroline Heldman on what is meant by sexual objectification, why it's still an important issue and how to overcome it.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A2 Advanced Portfolio Evaluation Questions

Deadline for your evaluation to be posted on your blog is 6pm on Tuesday, 25th February.

Question 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Question 2
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

 Question 3
What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Question 4
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Just for Fun and Inspiration

Sometimes, when grappling with the thorny issues of ownership, synergy and technological convergence, you just need to listen to great music.  It helps to clear the mind.

The Crippling Power of a Record Company - Can the Artist Fight back?

Azealia Banks has used Twitter to voice her dissatisfaction with Universal Music. She's actively looking to leave her label Interscope (owned by Universal) -read about it here and here .  However, can't because she's contracted to them.  So what's an artist to do when they are so clearly 'owned' by a label.  All that's left to them is to go public with their complaint - as Prince and George Michael have done in the past.  Twitter and social media make it easier for the artist to do this - no elaborate change of name (ala Prince) needed to get global attention for your grievance.   It's also interesting that she complains about the supposed out of touch nature of those at Universal who make decisions about her music and career.  It seems she has previous on this, having made similar complaints about her time at XL (part of the Beggars Group).

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lighting Tips

A quite exhaustive guide to different types of lights.  Towards the end he gives some useful tips on using cheap every day lights to improve your shots.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Easy Listening on the Music Industry

BBC Radio 4 just broadcast a great half hour on the present and future of the music industry, featuring both Billy Bragg and Moby (discussed in class).  It will be broadcast again on Sunday night.  Find out more here.

What have we learnt from living with digital technology?

Jeremy Silver is the author of Digital Medieval, a book that traces the music industry's response to the growth of and impact of digital technologies.  Go here to read his Top 10 lessons of the recent digital years.