Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Be a Proper Media Student!

Many of you have given me that blank "what dat man talking 'bout" look whenever I mention certain classic films and directors in class.  If you click on the link in the title of this post, you will be taken to a previous post that contains the titles of some great films, TV drama and comedy.  I strongly recommend you start viewing some or all of this stuff.  It will make you a better Media student and, more importantly, a better person to meet at parties.

Monday, October 03, 2011

A2 Production Work - some useful samples of work

Go to the OCR blog to see some thought provoking examples of student blogs for Advanced Portfolio. I think you should pay close attention to the quality if presentation in the blogs.

Putting It All Together - Social Media and News Reporting

Riot Cleaner Flashmob (Photo courtesy Guardian/Matt Dunham/AP)

 Pete Fraser's blog is a great place to start when thinking about the impact of social ("We") media on news reporting and consumption.  He focuses particularly on the events of Summer 2011 but all of the ideas are relevant to most contemporary news story.  Go read now and get a jump on the We Media unit.