Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Music Industry - EMI

1) Click on the two links above and read each of the articles. The first is from 2008, when EMI was trying the current owners of EMI had just taken over, and second is from last month.
2) Copy and paste relevant information into a word document, with the concept illustrated by the information next to it.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Teaser Trailer ideas - test your creativity

Not the best example but look out for other billboards around town.  Possible idea for an approach to your teaser trailers.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Is Illegal Downloading More Damaging to Independents or Studios?

The producers of The Hurt Locker, Voltage Pictures, have decided to take legal action against people who have illegally shared their films through peer to peer file sharing networks.  They argue that file sharing hurts independents more than it does the big studios.  One of the founders of the Pirate Bay file sharing site argues that file sharing actually increases film revenues by creating a greater interest and discussion around films.  What do you think?  Is it easier for big studios to swallow the cost of their films being viewed at home rather than in the cinemas?  What other ways can they make money out of their films if their cinema and DVD income is reduced?