Monday, March 31, 2008

Genre Questions

As per discussion here are the Genre questions you came up with. As a form of revision / practice I suggest that you have a go at all of them between now and the end of the course.
Post your attempts as comments with your name on them and write the essay question you are doing at the top of the comment. Mr Meade and I will look through as many as possible so check the blog for feedback.

1) To what extent do genres restrict filmmakers and institutions?
2) Explain why certain genres are just as popular today as they were 50 years ago.
3) How has the development of technology changed genre over time?
4) What are the benefits and limitations of genre to audiences and institutions?
5) What role do generic conventions play in audience appeal?
6) How do generic conventions help or hinder the film industry?
7) "Films should not be categorised by genre, but by their directorial style" Discuss in relation to the concept of film genre.
8) "The defining lines of genre are becoming increasingly blurred causing audience expectations to become confused" Discuss this statement with specific reference to the development of genre over time.
9) How do institutions adapt film gneres to target change in their audiences?
10) What are the limitations and benefits of hybrid genres?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Genre Questions

How far has the development of new technologies impacted on genre?

Remember to build your answer around the key concepts you have studied at Y12 and Y13. If you don't know what they are SHAME ON YOU!

Monday, March 17, 2008

News from Iraq. Is it a Fraud?

Rageh Omaar, a former BBC correspondent in Iraq, details how difficult it is to report the full truth of what is happening in Iraq due to the increasing insecurity in the country. He makes that point that the British public are not getting the full story about what is happening in the country because of the dangers facing Western journalists in the country. Whereas five years ago, at the start of the war, all sorts of journalists, from big Western news outlets like CNN and the BBC to local and independent one, could go report with relative freedom now only those who can afford the massive insurance costs can do so - i.e. big news organisations like the BBC, Sky and CNN. Even so, they report under real constraints, having to be accompanied by large security forces and from within heavily guarded compounds.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Action Adventure Glossary

Let's hear it for the good people at Long Road Media in Cambridge again. They've got a brilliant glossary of terms for Action Adventure movies on their Action Adventure blog (and you thought we were slightly strange for having one blog for the whole cluster). It covers lots of special effect terms which will help you spot different effects when we get back to doing a bit of textual analysis.