Friday, January 11, 2008

Foundation Production - Audience Research

Right. A few of you have been muscling in on my Year 8 lessons wondering about what to do with the questionnaire for your audience research. So here's the deal.

Ultimate aim: find out information about your audience so that you can be sure your film will appeal to them.

Types of Info:
Demographic (age, gender, ethnicity, social class etc.)

Psychographic (attitudes, beliefs, self-image etc.)

Lifestyle and Media Consumption (hobbies, magazines, films, TV etc that they consume and why)

Opening of Films - specifically ask them about what engages them at the start of a film, stops them from switching it off etc.


General rule of thumb is that it should have enough questions to gather the info that you need but not so many that your respondants would be reluctant to complete it. You may find that between 10 and 20 questions will suffice. We've asked you to have a draft ready for Wedneday, 16th January so that we can have a look at them and help you to refine your questions to the point where you can eke out as much information from as few questions as possible.

If you are reading this let as many others as possible from Year 12 media know about it.